Acasă Etichete Orthodox

Etichetă: orthodox

How I Came to Immigrate to America (III)

After going to the Embassy, we went to the local police department to get the "small forms". These were the preliminary forms. There were...

Hora Mare

"Hora Mare" started 7 or 8 years ago initiated by a group of people from Colorado's Romanian community. Most of them were members of...

Hora romaneasca

Povestea unor dansuri romanesti Cu aproape 10 ani in urma, in sta­tul Colorado, SUA, la initiativa lui Ingrid Fotino, un grup de romance...

Traditie romaneasca in Colorado

Intr-o atmosfera de adevarata sarbatoare, la sfarsitul lunii iunie a acestui an s-a desfasurat pe strazile orasului Boulder (Colorado), cea de-a saptea editie a...