Acasă Etichete Because

Etichetă: because

U.S. proposal to place anti-ballistic missile interceptors in the country

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: February 4, 2010 Filed at 11:38 a.m. ET BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Romania's top defense body on...

FBI's warning on Haitian earthquake

The FBI today reminds Internet users who receive appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical...

FBI’s warning on Haitian earthquake

The FBI today reminds Internet users who receive appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical...

Discursul presedintelui Barack Obama la primirea premiului Nobel pentru Pace

Remarks of President Barack Obama - As Prepared for Delivery A Just and Lasting Peace, Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, Thursday, December...

Q&A with Sheilah Kast & Jim Rosapepe

Authors of Dracula Is Dead. How Romanians Survived Communism, Ended It, and Emerged since 1989 as the New Italy How is Romania doing now,...

“Coada” de Dragoş Voicu

Apărut în anul 2009, roman premiat cu premiul pentru debut în proză al editurii Cartea Românească. Este un roman despre viaţa din comunism, văzută...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XV)

Meeting the Two Sisters Shortly after we purchased our first car, the Pacer started acting up. One day, my mother and I went to...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XIV)

Finally, we went to Small Claims Court to obtain the deposit money back. We had left the car at the dealership although they said...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XIII)

Finally, in May 1986, I was granted permission to go there. My quick-tempered boss surprised me with the customary bridal shower. Between her and...

Sharing Space

What really interests me is how two such unlike particles clung together, . . .until they reached their angle of repose . . ....